Livre :

  1. Avec M.Geck, Representations of Hecke algebras at roots of unity,  Algebra and Applications, Vol. 15, Springer, Infos

Publications / Prépublications :

  1. Avec M.Geck, Ocneanu’s trace and Starkey’s rule ,
    Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 12 (2003), no. 7, 899-904, pdf.
  2. Sur les représentations modulaires des algèbres de Hecke de type D,
    Journal of Algebra 274 (2004), 607-628, pdf.
  3. On the parametrization of the simple modules for Ariki-Koike algebras at roots of unity,
    Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University 44 (2004), no. 4, 729-767, pdf.
  4. An algorithm for the computation of the decomposition matrices for Ariki-Koike algebras,
    Journal of Algebra (section Computational Algebra) 292 (2005), 100-109, pdf.
  5. Canonical basic sets for Hecke algebras,
    Contemporary Mathematics, AMS, 392 (2005), 33-41, pdf.
  6. Avec M.Geck, Canonical basic sets in type B ,
    Journal of Algebra 306 (2006), 104-127, pdf.
  7. Avec G. Genet, Modular representations of cyclotomic Hecke algebras of type G(r,p,n),
    International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2006, Article ID 93049, 18 pages, pdf.
  8. Calcul explicite de certaines cellules de Kazhdan-Lusztig pour le type A,
    Publications Mathématiques de Besançon, Volume 2006, pdf.
  9. Crystal Graphs of higher level q-deformed Fock spaces Lusztig a-values and Ariki-Koike algebras,
    Algebras and Representation Theory,10 (2007), no.6, 565-591, pdf.
  10. Crystal graphs of irreducible highest weight Uq(sl^e) -modules of level two and Uglov bipartitions,
    Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Vol. 27, no. 2 (2008), 143-162, pdf.
  11. Avec C. Lecouvey, On the Mullineux involution for Ariki-Koike algebras,
    Journal of Algebra (section Computational Algebra), 321, Issue 8, 2009, 2156-2170, pdf.
  12. Avec C. Bonnafé, Cellular structures on Hecke algebras of type B,
    Journal of Algebra, 321, Issue 11, 2009, 3089-3111, pdf.
  13. Avec C. Lecouvey, Kashiwara and Zelevinsky involutions in affine type A,
    Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 243, No. 2, 2009, 287-311, pdf.
  14. Avec C. Lecouvey, Crystal isomorphisms for irreducible highest weight Uq(sl^e) -modules of higher level,
    Algebras and Representation Theory 13, 2010, no. 4, 467–489, pdf.
  15. Avec S. Ariki, Dipper-James-Murphy’s conjecture for Hecke algebras of type B,
    Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups Progress in Mathematics, 2011, Volume 284, 17-32, pdf.
  16. Constructible Representations and basic sets in type B,
    Journal of Algebra, 336, Issue 1, 2011, 67-83 pdf.
  17. Avec S. Ariki et C. Lecouvey, The modular branching rule for affine Hecke algebra of type A,
    Advances in Mathematics Volume 228, Issue 1, 10 September 2011, Pages 481-526, pdf.
  18. Avec M. Chlouveraki, Schur elements and basic sets for cyclotomic Hecke algebras,
    Journal of Algebra and its Applications 10 (2011), no. 5, 979–993, pdf.
  19. Avec S. Ariki et C. Lecouvey, Factorization of the canonical bases for higher level Fock spaces,
    Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, February 2012, 55 : pp 23-51 pdf.
  20. Avec M. Chlouveraki, Schur elements for the Ariki-Koike algebra and applications,
    Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Volume 35, N. 2 (2012), 291-311, pdf
  21. On the regularization process for Ariki-Koike algebras,
    Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Issue 69 (2013) pdf
  22. Avec C. Lecouvey, A combinatorial decomposition of higher level Fock spaces,
    Osaka Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 50, N. 3 (2013) pdf
  23. Avec J. Guilhot, Ordering Families using Lusztig's symbols in type B: the integer case,
     Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 41, N/ 1 (2015), 157–183 pdf.
  24. Avec T. Gerber et G. Hiss, Harish-Chandra series in finite unitary groups and crystal graphs, 
      International Mathematics Research Notices (2015), pdf.
  25. Avec M. Chlouveraki, On quantized decomposition maps for graded algebras,
    Algebras and Representation Theory, 19 (1), 135-146 (2016) pdf
  26. Avec L. Poulain d'Andecy, An isomorphism Theorem for Yokonuma-Hecke algebras and applications to link invariants,
    Mathematische Zeitschrift, 283, Vol.1, 301-338 (2016) pdf.
  27. On the one dimensional representations of Ariki-Koike algebras at roots of unity,
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra Volume 221 (2017), pdf.
  28. Avec L. Poulain d'Andecy, Clifford theory for Yokonuma--Hecke algebras and deformation of complex reflection groups,
    Journal of the LMS, vol 96, issue 3, (2017)  pdf.
  29. Avec C. Lecouvey, Crystal Isomorphisms and wall-crossing maps for rational Cherednik algebras,
    Transformation Groups, vol 23 page 101-117, (2018) pdf.
  30. Kleshchev multipartitions and extended Young diagrams,
    Advances in Mathematics, 339, 1 December 2018,Pages 367-403, pdf.
  31. Avec O.Dudas, Alvis-Curtis duality for finite general linear groups and a generalized Mullineux involution,
  32. SIGMA, 14, 2018 (contribution to the special issue on the representation theory of the symmetric group and related topics)
  33. Combinatoire des cristaux d'espaces de Fock et applications,
    Actes du 2ème congrés de la SMF, Séminaires et congrés, Coll.SMF, 2019, pdf.
  34. Uglov bipartitions and extended Young diagrams,
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 26, Issue 3, 2019, pdf
  35. Avec T. Gerber et E. Norton, Generalized Mullineux involution and perverse equivalences,
    Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 306 (2020), No. 2, 487–517 pdf.
  36. Avec C. Lecouvey, Keys and Demazure crystals for Kac-Moody algebras, 
    Journal of Combinatorial Algebra (EMS), Volume 4, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 325–358, pdf
  37. Avec C. Lecouvey, Cores of Ariki-Koike algebras,
    Documenta Mathematica 26, 103-124 (2021) , pdf
  38. Two maps on affine type A crystals and Hecke algebras,,
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 28 (2), 2021.
  39. Avec O.Brunat et J-B Gramain, On unitriangular basic sets for symmetric and alternating groups,
    Journal of Algebra, Vol 620, 2023 pdf.
  40. Avec M. Chlouveraki, Defect in cyclotomic Hecke algebras
    Mathematische Zeitschrift, 305 (2023) , pdf.
  41. Mullineux involution and crystal isomorphisms,
    Combinatorial Theory, Vol. 3, 2, 2023 pdf.
  42. Avec A. Lacabanne, On Calogero-Moser cellular characters for imprimitive complex reflection groups,
    Tunisian J. Math, Vol. 5, 2023, 605-625 pdf.
  43. (Avec C. Lecouvey,) Crystal isomorphisms an Mullineux Involution  II,
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2024, pdf.
  44. (Avec M. Chlouveraki et J-B Gramain) Generalized hook lengths and Schur elements for Hecke algebras, preprint, 2024, pdf.

Actes de conférence :

  1. JMMO Fock space and Geck-Rouquier classification of simple modules for Hecke algebras,
    Proceedings of the RIMS Symposium, Combinatorial Methods in Representation theory and their applications, 1438 (2005), 19-36, pdf.
  2. Representations of the symmetric group and its Hecke algebra,
    Notes issues de la conférence Summer School in Algorithmic Mathematics 2012, Munich pdf

Thèse / HDR :

  1. Représentations modulaires des algèbres de Hecke et des algèbres de Ariki-Koike,
    Thèse de doctorat, Université Lyon I sous la direction de M.Geck, Juin 2004, pdf.
  2. Algèbres de Hecke, cristaux et bases canoniques de groupes quantiques,
    Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Franche-Comté, Juin 2010, pdf